Friday, June 22, 2012


Why is she smiling?
Because it's zoo day!
Marley had been anxiously counting the days, and it was finally time to skip school and head to the Indianapolis Zoo.
This is Kate. 
We were best friends back in college...waaaaay back in college.
Since then she's moved to another state, as have I.  Along the way, we've made a point of getting together from time to time.  Usually we do it by ourselves- meeting at a restaurant and spending the afternoon eating and catching up and enjoying one another's company. 
But it's summertime! 
And that means her packing up her seven kids and meeting Marley and I at a predetermined place to enjoy the day together with our kids. 
This year, it was the zoo.
Here they all are, minus the baby, who preferred
to be strapped to his mama for the day.
We had a great time looking at all the animals

...and Marley was very interested in knowing where we were going at all times.
We got to see the dolphin show, which the kids loved.
But they also loved the tigers.
I gotta admit, I was a little freaked out by the fact that one particular tiger took so much interest in what was on the other side of what I'm sure is
perfectly tiger-proof glass...
Yes, that would be my DAUGHTER that the tiger was nose-to-nose with.
After the fun of seeing all the animals, of course
we had to make a stop at the splash park!
And a snack is also a neccessity.

This little guy was an absolute angel the entire day!
Isn't he precious??
In fact, I think her seven kids were better behaved than my one. 
Gotta love having a three year old!
Overall it was a great day! 
I love this friend of mine.  Even if we haven't spoken more than the occassional text for several months, we can pick right back up where we left off last time.
My family size stays the same, but hers just keeps growing, and I love watching her interact with her kids like the super-mom that she is. 
In fact, I think it's about time for us to meet with just the two of us again soon.
I've got things to tell her.


  1. She is an awesome mom and friend. Glad you two have stayed in touch. She was always one of my favorites to hang out with when I got to stay in the dorm with you. :)

  2. That's so wonderful. Friends like that are hard to come by these days! I am sure she adores you, just as much! Love you!


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