The things that Marley says sometimes blow my mind. Sometimes they crack me up. Sometimes they make me want to hide in my closet and cry.
But I never want to forget.
So here's a collection of some the little pearls that have come out of my daughter's mouth last year...
Marley: Mama, I miss Daddy.
Me: Yes, I miss Daddy too, honey.
Marley: I just want to talk to him, Mama.
Me: You can talk to him, baby. He can hear you.
Marley, sobbing: But he won't answer me, Mama.
I want to talk to him, but he won't answer me.
Mama! Come here! My poop looks like a bean!
You're my favorite mama.
Mama, it's morning time. There's bricks and leaves falling down outside.
Mom was shaving her dogs in preparation for our vacation in Florida.
Marley: My mommy used to do that to my Daddy.
You need to shave you awmpits!
I was waxing my lip and eyebrows one afternoon. Marley walked in and said,
"Nice mustache!".
While I was taking the dogs out, Marley threw their food all over the kitchen. While I was cleaning that up, she "moved" a bunch of dirt from a potted plant to the floor. While I swept the floor, she went back to the dog food. Then she pooped her diaper.
I love how Marley calls candy canes "Candy-Kines", her manger playset a "Ranger", and insists that her Santa hat is lovely and should be worn just about everywhere she goes.
She's an original. :) Love you both!